An Excerpt from the novel I'm writing (In Progress)

‘From my seat upon high, I watch over this city, I look down on these fools, possessed by the technology surrounding them. They are so engrossed by new gadgets that they don’t realize the surrounding atrocities. They don't even realize that their world before them has changed forever.’

I, Quinten Manning, am a simple person. If I want something then I get it. Wealth, power, influence… All of it at the tip of my fingers.

I mean that’s just natural for a prodigal genius like me. My family have been in positions of power since the Middle Ages. I want to take it a step further and be the only power. I want every single person in this world under my thumb.

That makes me seem like a villain, doesn’t it? Well sometimes you have to be the villain to get what you want… Everyone would do it given the chance, it's been acknowledged from the dawn of time, you want something, you take it, by any… means… necessary…

Anyway back to what I was saying…

A little backstory on me would be appropriate...

By the time I was 16, I had already won 7 Internationally recognized awards in Science, Technology, Business, Aviation and Space Technology. By the time I was 20, my family recognized me as the most powerful leader of The Manning Legacy since its founding.

My company QuinFlux Technologies has brought the world into a new age of technology. Making technological strides of phenomenal success towards a better future, It has planted a network in every nation, every city across the world. Connecting every single person. The Third World was no longer a term.

QuinFlux Technologies had put everybody on the map. But for a company like QuinFlux Technologies, this was just to the press and middle-class people.

Towards the public, my company seemed to be this save-the-world global corporation that cared about fixing the problems of the world, in actuality the corporation was behind the problems of the world. Drugs, Guns, funding militias, private armies, military equipment. Hell, we even sell 90% of the products on the black market. If money can be made from it, I’ve got my hand in it.

I have a majority share in nearly every company and trust in the stock market.

We develop Supercomputers, Drones, Artificial Intelligences, cybernetics to phones, TVs, Tablets, cars and power plants. Slowly but surely we have implanted our technology into the world's population.

We make cybernetics cheap and affordable and then make money off the maintenance. We sold faulty gear to private sellers and when the gear was bought, we charged a hefty price on the repair. But that’s business… Companies have done the same thing for years, it’s a common practice.

QuinFlux Technologies reached 10 Quadrillion New Yen which was equivalent to the same amount in dollars in 2014 before QuinFlux Technologies changed every single currency denomination to one currency.

When you have enough money and power to influence the Rulers of nations to change their currency to a new one, it’s quite easy. I convinced them to employ a cashless system, it wasn’t hard when you have a little dirt on them...

I had so many plans in the works. Unveiling the next generation of technology, becoming the ruler of the new world...

But one child… one detestable child was able to put a pin in all of my operations…

Unfortunately, this story isn’t about me, it’s about that child…

Cole Ackermann!